If you are thinking about purchasing, don't walk...RUN FULL SPEED! The quality of these soaps go far beyond most products on the market today. I recently tried the candles as well and WOW! The wax from the candles are amazing on my hands, the smell lingers and is the most amazing scent. I stumbled into this company during Christmas in New York and bought a bar of soap because of the smell alone (Nag Champa) Fast forward to when my soap ran out and I realized I didn't have a way to know who this company was and then low and behold, I remembered they gave me a book of matches!! Y'all...that book of matches saved me! :) I ran so fast to my computer, wrote a little note, and sent off my order. A few days later, my shipment arrived with a handwritten note. HANDWRITTEN! So personable. I just love it. I know this is a long review but my words just can't say enough. A++++++ Thank you!!!!!